Raindrops keep Falling on my Head..

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Nice read..

I came across this link..somewhere..thought that its a great read..

Titled: Date a Girl who Travels..

I love travelling, thus the title kinda intrigued me..

Certain things written resonate with me, would like to share it..

".......A girl who travels has developed a deeper appreciation for life. She won’t judge you, or pressure you to do things you don’t want to do. She knows too much about the importance of identity and self-efficacy, and she will appreciate all the more if you won’t pretend to be who you’re not......."

"....Nothing takes her by surprise; she takes everything with equanimity, knowing that such things are always a part of life. ..."

Full article here
A sense of tranquility was felt after reading the article, and made me wanna go on a solo trip someplace.. where you can see, smell, feel the nature and hear the sounds of the universe..

Wherever your feet takes you to is an adventure.. I actually like roaming freely.. not knowing what you will discover next..
Maybe that's why I've never liked packaged tours..it feels like school children all packed in a school bus and being brought from one location to another..

I wrote a list of places I would like to visit ... and it came up to quite a bit..im not sure when I'm able to travel to all of them but sometimes its good to dream.

I always make it a point to take a deep breath of air when I'm in a new city, as I would like to remember the smell of it..and it really does still stay in my mind even after a long time..

hopefully in time to come, I will be able to travel..to some of the most exciting places I've always wanted to visit..


Do you sometimes feel that the things that are not said, are always the most obvious?
Im not sure how many people feel that way but maybe its cos once you start using your ears instead of your mouth..you are able to observe more than before..

Things you once perceived as it was now has become otherwise.
If you listen and observe, the truth meaning will usually surface.
Yet how many of us actually embrace the truth even after the realization? do you continue as it was..treating everything as it was..even though you know deep inside you have embraced a different thinking towards it.


do you take a different track, different actions, just so you justify what you have realized..cos you are actually listening to your thoughts. ..as thoughts lead to actions..which leads to results..

I observed that its always easier to conform then to be unorthodox..alot of people do that being conventional.. maybe they do it to be accepted? there's countless reasons that I shall not start on.

But when being conventional is not the right way..do you still conform? Or you do otherwise?

Just some Food for thought..

Night world..


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